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We Assist French Companies to Establish a Business Strategy for India

Leveraging our deep insights into Indian interpersonal and corporate relationship dynamics along with the French business ecosystem, we tackle the fundamental question of your purpose – your ‘raison d’être.’

Many high-growth companies use purpose to stay relevant in a fast-changing world according to a Harvard Business Review study. For founders and leaders, knowing why your company does what it does, is more personal. It sets the tone for your company’s culture and helps you define your value proposition to the heart of your inextricably related stakeholders.

We learn little from the experience of the past. An economist must know, besides his subject, ethics, logic, philosophy, the humanities and sociology, in fact, everything that is part of how we live and react to one another.

You can't build an adaptable organization without adaptable people; and individuals change only when they have to, or when they want to.

Does Your Strategy Accommodate Large Markets in Asia?

Asian nations differ greatly in geopolitical, social, and economic conditions. Disparities in economic growth within the country from state to state are vast in a market like India. Wealth distribution, consumer spending habits, education levels, literacy rates, and lifestyles change drastically from one state to the other.

You will constantly be tested to redefine the value proposition of your products and mission as you travel within the subcontinent. It is important to identify the essence of such a broad culture to truly have an impact on your profits and community efforts. Where there are limitations, there is innovation, as Steve Forbes said, “People are the creators of prosperity. Without human ingenuity and innovation, we would still be living in caves and have a life expectancy of 25 years.” 

This could be the road to your success mantra.

Our Services

Human Potential

At Bloom India Strategy we use specialized vocational management tools successfully utilized by over a thousand leaders worldwide, to chart a clear path for your future from a detailed study of your personal life and career trajectory.

Sustainable Value Creation

Building continuous value through sustainable strategies means putting more back into the environment or society than you take out. We share an ambition to regenerate ecological systems along with strong financial performance.

Implementation Strategy

Implementation of a strategy needs a multifaceted approach. We bring people with complementary skill sets together with a stable client servicing team to maintain the continuity from start to finish.

I'm convinced that there's a new way to define capitalism, and that the definition should include three ingredients - that we love our work, that we are building a traditionally successful business, and that we are having some positive impact on the world, whether it's local or global.

Biz Stone (co-founder of Twitter) Tweet

Communication Strategy

Trust and commitment do not just happen; they are forged and maintained through effective communication. It is one of your most important assets as a leader. We will help you formulate the right plan for India.

"Let the stronger man give to the man whose need is greater; let him gaze upon the lengthening path of life; for riches roll like the wheels of a chariot, turning from one to another.” -Rig Veda

 Century club companies have a few key qualities in common – the ability to adapt to the times, a strong value system and culture passed down by the founders, extraordinary business relationships with their partners, and a strong sense of purpose which enables them to be an active part of their local communities.
 We recognize that these are fundamental building blocks of your strategy, not just for this growth term, but for years to come. Bloom India’s ambition is to help organizations and their leaders make their vision and mission statements a reality.
Let's talk about building your culture and fulfilling your purpose to its full potential.
French Office Address

15, rue des Halles, 
75001 Paris, France. 

+33 (0) 1 76 44 06 82

Indian Office Address

Whitefields, Kondapur, Hi-Tech City,
Hyderabad, Telangana. India – 500081.

+040 (91) 96521 73439

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